Local wildfires prompt aggressive approach

Clark Fork sees gradual growth of Bee Top Fire as Consalus Fire burns near Coolin

By Reader Staff

Two lightning-caused fires are currently burning in or near Bonner County, and both are undergoing aggressive attack from fire personnel.

The Bee Top Fire is located about five miles up Lightning Creek Road near Clark Fork. Discovered on July 1, the blaze was reported at about 40 acres and 16% contained on July 12. Precipitation on July 11 slowed fire behavior, which is burning in mostly dead and downed fuels. 

As of July 12, resources allocated to the Bee Top Fire include 151 total personnel, including four hand crews, two engines and three helicopters. Almost six miles of handline have been constructed around the fire as aircraft have engaged the blaze directly with water drops.

There are currently no road or trail closures associated with the Bee Top Fire. However, the public is asked to exercise awareness while recreating and make space for fire personnel as they navigate the area.

Farther to the north, in Pend Oreille County, Wash., but only 10 miles west of Coolin, burns the Consalus Fire. Measured at 248 acres as of July 12, there are currently 186 personnel, half a dozen hand crews, two engines, and other types of logging and firefighting equipment assigned to the blaze. 

Officials reported the Consalus Fire 10% contained on July 12, and pleaded with the public in their daily report to not fly drones in the area of the fire.

“If you fly, we can’t,” fire officials stated.

While no roads are closed in association with the Consalus Fire, members of the public are asked to avoid Forest Service roads near the incident as a matter of firefighter and public safety.

For the most recent updates on all area fires, go to inciweb.wildfire.gov.

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