Legislative update

Waiting to see what happens with H.B. 93 — the ‘school choice’ bill

By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor

We are in the middle of the legislative session and, to no one’s surprise, there are a considerable number of bills being printed every day. Some of the bills are predictable (appropriations) while others have unknown origins (immigration, changes for public education, etc.). 

So far, the bill gathering the most attention has been House Bill 93. It’s a tax credit bill that sends public tax money to parents with children in private schools. H.B. 93 was presented as a “school choice” bill, whose sponsors noted that it would help to offset the costs of private school. The funds would be allocated as a refundable tax credit for parents who qualify. 

Rep. Mark Sauter. File photo

Many believe the bill is a redistribution of wealth. An argument can be made that most tax exemptions are a shift of wealth. In this case, $50 million from Idaho taxpayers being sent to some of the 30,000 private school kids for tuition. There are approximately 300,000 Idaho kids in public schools (this includes charter schools). 

When the bill was considered on the House floor, I debated and voted against it. The number of emails and phone calls I received encouraging me to vote against H.B. 93 was amazing. 

While I was campaigning, support for sending public tax revenues to private school families was not something I heard was important to District 1 constituents. The requests for property tax reform and grocery tax reduction were loud and clear, and reducing both taxes helps considerably more residents than private school funding. 

We have private school options in Bonner and Boundary counties; however, they are somewhat limited. The experience in other states that have decided to send public revenues to private schools is that private schools often increase their tuition prices. Whether due to increased demand or because the funds are available is unknown. I cannot predict what may happen, but I recall how the stimulus money many received a few years ago contributed to the inflationary spike we experienced afterward.

The Idaho Constitution directs the Legislature to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools. The courts have found the Legislature has not adequately funded public education in several cases. Although our “per student” funding amount is very near the bottom nationally, each legislative session more bills are introduced to require more of public schools. Despite the funding levels — and the poor condition of some of our aging school facilities — I believe our students remarkably perform above the national average. 

There are other issues with H.B. 93, as well. When Idaho tax revenues are spent, there are usually accountability measures included. With H.B. 93, the tax credits are tracked by the Idaho Tax Commission. I don’t see that process as competent in the arena of educational accountability. 

Our public schools are saddled with considerable reporting and requirements to teach all students. H.B. 93 doesn’t make those demands. During the floor debates, we heard stories of students being turned away from certain schools because their faith was different from that of the religious school they were considering. These types of decisions being made with public funds involved are troubling. 

H.B. 93 passed through both the House and the Senate and now sits on the Gov. Brad Little’s desk, awaiting action. His choices are to sign the bill, veto it or allow it to go into law. He has exercised all these actions over the course of his time in the Capitol. 

Since last week, thousands of Idahoans have called upon the governor to take action. We should know his position by Friday, Feb. 28.

Rep. Mark Sauter is a second-term Republican legislator representing District 1A. He serves on the Agricultural Affairs; Education; and Resources and Conservation committees.

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