ITD plans lane closure on Long Bridge during nighttime resurfacing work

By Reader Staff

Motorists on the Long Bridge should plan ahead for potential delays over the next month, as crews with the Idaho Transportation Department will conduct resurfacing work on the span during the evening hours beginning Monday, Aug. 19 through mid-September.

According to an announcement from ITD, work will take place Monday-Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. until the expected completion date next month. During those times, traffic will be limited to a single, alternating lane with flaggers and pilot cars to guide drivers through the work zone. 

The surface of the bridge was ground down earlier this spring to increase traction and make it safer for travel, according to ITD.

“As a reminder, drivers are encouraged to slow down through work zones and stay alert behind the wheel for the safety of our crews,” the department stated.

For real-time updates on traffic impacts in the area, access the Idaho 511 system at

To view other ITD projects in Region 1 — including the large-scale work being conducted on several sections of U.S. 95 between Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry from Elmira Road to Kootenai Trail Road — go to

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