Executive order makes hemp transportation legal in Idaho

By Reader Staff

Governor Brad Little issued an executive order Nov. 19 legalizing the transportation of hemp in Idaho in order to align with federal policy, though not without a few extra requirements.

Gov. Brad Little.

A news release from Little’s office characterized the order as “a stopgap measure until the Idaho Legislature enacts a more permanent solution.”

“From the start, I have stated I am not opposed to a new crop such as hemp, but that we need to be sure the production and shipping of industrial hemp is not a front to smuggle illicit drugs into and around Idaho,” Little said.

According to the news release, recent changes to federal law prevent states from prohibiting the transportation of hemp produced in compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill.

“We expected new federal rules would eventually result in hemp lawfully traveling across state lines,” Little said. “My administration has prepared for this development, working with partners in law enforcement and other interested parties. As it turns out, the rules were published at a time when the Idaho Legislature could not quickly respond.”

Under the executive order, drivers transporting hemp through Idaho must stop at the first port of entry to the state, present documentation that the hemp is lawfully produced under the Farm Bill, consent to an inspection and drive only on interstate highways or roads in the immediate vicinity of an interstate highway.

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Idaho State Police and Idaho Transportation Department will work together to carry out the executive order and put the temporary rules in place until the anticipated permanent solution comes out of the Legislature.

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