Bella Noté adds new instructor, classes

By Reader Staff

Bella Noté Music Studios will be introducing two new adult beginner classes starting in January, 2021. These will be a part of the Adult Recreational Music classes that are intended to help adults learn more about music without the pressure of ongoing lessons or solo performances. Instrument options include ukulele, guitar and piano. Additionally, entry-level ukulele and guitar classes will be offered specifically for teens beginning in February. These classes are designed for beginning players and require no prior experience with music or the instrument. Classes will be structured in a way that is well suited for both true beginners and those who have played before and would like to refresh their skills. Instructors are Rebecca Budai for piano and new instructor Mich Lewis-Sorensen for ukulele and guitar. 

Mich Lewis-Sorensen. Courtesy photo.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mich Lewis-Sorensen to the Bella Noté Family,” studio organizers stated in a press release. 

Lewis-Sorensen started singing in choirs at age 5 and began playing guitar and piano in elementary school. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in biology with a music minor from Sonoma State University. Lewis-Sorensen also plays ukulele, cello and fiddle, and has just started learning banjo. She was the president of Southern Oregon Songwriters’ Association for four years and is the current president of the North Idaho Songwriters’ Association. You can find some of her originals at 

Lewis-Sorensen began teaching private music lessons in 1997 and has taught group guitar and ukulele classes since 2004. 

“She looks forward to sharing her passion for music and helping you have fun becoming a musician — you’re never too old to learn,” the studio stated.

Ukulele and guitar classes will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings, respectively, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Bella Noté Music Studios (1205 US-2 Suite 103). Class fees are $60 for a four-week session. Recreational Music for adults on piano will be Tuesdays at 6-7 p.m. Piano class fees are $145 for an eight-week session (including materials). The piano class can be paired with guitar or ukulele as a 12-week package as well. Adult classes start the week of Monday, Jan. 4.

Any of these group classes are available to give as a gift to someone this holiday season.

To sign up, or for more information, visit or

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