Annual Sandpoint Apple Fest returns

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

Area businesses are gearing up for the Downtown Sandpoint Shopping District’s annual Apple Fest, which combines must-have sales with apple-themed activities and treats.

Forty retailers and restaurants will participate this year, including the city’s newest additions, Aspen and Stone At Home, Verdant Plants, Vintage Revival and Paneah’s. 

Attendees can pick up a “passport” at any participating business and then mill about the shops, which are divided into four quadrants. Visit one shop from each and then drop your passport at any participating restaurant before 6 p.m. to be entered into a drawing for $1,000 worth of gift cards and two tickets to singer-songwriter ZZ Ward in Spokane.

Visit the Cedar Street Bridge to try out the slingshot and hurl a few apples into Sand Creek. Local bakers should also try their hand at the bridge’s apple pie contest. Enter two pies before 9 a.m. for a live judging beginning at 11 a.m.

“Come downtown. All the tourists are gone; it’s our town again. Let’s come and make memories together. The trees are starting to turn — it’s beautiful. The weather’s gorgeous and there’s a lot of really new, neat stuff,” said Downtown Manager Leilani Williams.

For more information, visit

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