2025 swim instructors and assistants needed

By Reader Staff

The Pend Oreille Rowing and Paddling Association and Long Bridge Swim Association are providing free swim and water safety lessons for the third year this summer at Riley Creek Recreation Area. But a lead swim instructor and assistant swim instructors are needed to support the program. 

An unoccupied lifeguard stand at Sandpoint City Beach. Photo by Ben Olson.

All instructors are paid positions.

Instructors are needed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the weeks of Aug. 5, 12 and 19, from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Paid training will take place on Aug. 4.

Organizers ask that applicants know how to swim and help kids feel safe and comfortable in the water. Lifeguard certification is not required.

“This is a great opportunity for students in the Priest River, Newport and Sandpoint Area,” organizers stated in a news release.

Teenagers ages 13-17 are encouraged to apply as swim assistants. Training will be provided by the lead water safety swim instructor.

Without this assistance, free swim lessons may not be available to the community. Send an email with your contact information and/or questions to [email protected] by Thursday, March 20, or contact Celia Thomas at 208-946-1229. Registration for swimming lessons will open on Tuesday, April 1.

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