Timberline Helicopters announces expansion of Sandpoint operations

Mayor Jeremy Grimm: move is the ‘high-impact economic development Sandpoint needs’

By Reader Staff

Timberline Helicopters is expanding its operations in Sandpoint, which City Hall stated in a news release March 3 marks “a major step forward” for Mayor Jeremy Grimm’s “goal to expand and diversify Sandpoint’s economy.”

According to the announcement, the Idaho Economic Advisory Council signed off on a performance-based investment incentive for Timberline Helicopters, which clears the way for “a significant expansion” of the company’s footprint in the local area.

“This milestone marks a crucial investment in the region’s economic future, fostering job growth and industrial diversification beyond the tourism sector,” the city stated.

Courtesy photo

Based in Sandpoint, Timberline Helicopters specializes in “heavy-lift” helicopter services, aerial firefighting and external load operations. The company operates a fleet of Blackhawk and K-1200 helicopters and other aircraft, support firefighting, infrastructure projects, and specialized aerial operations across the U.S. and beyond.

The expansion will create 24 new jobs, including 12 positions for mechanics with salaries that can exceed $80,000 per year, according to the city. In addition, the expansion is estimated to contribute to more than 20 additional indirect jobs in the region and another 12 induced jobs in the local aerospace industry. 

“The estimated annual labor income from these new positions will exceed $3.7 million, while the total statewide GDP impact is projected to be $6.3 million annually,” City Hall stated.

Timberline Helicopters’ expansion will include increasing the company’s fleet, enhancing its maintenance capabilities and developing new aviation technologies.

“This is exactly the kind of high-impact economic development Sandpoint needs,” Grimm stated in a news release. “The expansion of Timberline Helicopters will bring quality, well-paying jobs to our community, reinforcing my administration’s commitment to moving Sandpoint toward a more sustainable and diverse economy.”

The company plans to invest more than $13 million, with upward of $12 million dedicated to real property improvements.

“We are thrilled to continue growing in Sandpoint,” stated Timberline Helicopters President Tyson Davis. “This investment will allow us to expand our capabilities, create new opportunities for skilled professionals and contribute to the community’s economic vitality.”

“This project exemplifies the state’s dedication to fostering business growth and innovation,” added Idaho Department of Commerce Director Tom Kealey in a statement. “Timberline Helicopters’ expansion not only creates high-paying jobs but also reinforces Idaho’s reputation as an emerging leader in this segment of the aerospace industry.”

Members of Sandpoint’s aeronautical industry include Tamarack Aerospace and the Daher facility, which manufactures the Kodiak aircraft. 

“This expansion further strengthens Sandpoint’s position as a hub for specialized aerospace and high-tech industries,” the city stated.

“This expansion is a clear example of the kind of economic development we need — one that supports our workforce with stable, well-paying opportunities and strengthens our regional economy for years to come,” Grimm stated.

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