Spaghetti feed to support kids’ athletics

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Get in on some tasty chow, bid on great goods and support area kids – all at once, at a spaghetti feed and fundraiser coming on Friday, July 21, in support of the Sandpoint Affordable Football & Cheer League – or SAFL for short.

The fundraiser kicks off at 5 p.m. at Cedar Hills Church, 227 McGhee Road in Kootenai, and everyone is invited.

The event will benefit the SAFL scholarship fund for both youth football players and cheerleaders. Along with the home-cooked spaghetti, there will be a silent auction with merchandise and certificates from Schweitzer Mountain, Triple Play Family Fun Park, Silverwood Theme Park, Spuds Waterfront Grill, Kokanne Coffee, Panhandle Cone & Coffee, Ivano’s Ristorante and more.

Also coming up, on July 28-29 SAFL will host its second free football camp and has added a cheer camp. Both camps are open to kids in grades 3 to 8, and will be held at Sandpoint Middle School from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each day.

Both of these camps are free; SAFL’s motto is “No kid left behind!” To register, go to For more information you may call 208-290-1888.

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