Fundraiser for local arts celebrates the work of Sandra Salo Deutchman

By Soncirey Mitchell

Sandra Salo Deutchman’s piece, “At Dusk.”

Reader Staff

The work of renowned painter Sandra Salo Deutchman will be the focus of a new exhibition from the Pend Oreille Arts Council, which will host a free opening reception Friday, May 3 from 5-7 p.m. at its gallery at 313 N. Second Ave., in downtown Sandpoint.

Deutchman — formerly of Sandpoint, now of Oregon — is celebrated throughout the Pacific Northwest for her evocative use of color and form, which curator Johanna Hays described as“semi-abstract.” 

“She has a well-defined, unique style that can easily be recognized by those familiar with her work,” POAC Arts Coordinator Claire Christy told the Reader. “Each mark is intentional and methodical, placing the viewer in meditation as they trace the detailed forms.”

Deutchman served as a professor of fine arts at Washington State University until she retired in 2000, but despite her long career and mastery of the acrylic and gouache mediums, she very rarely displays her work. 

The POAC exhibition — which will run through Saturday, June 1 — stems from Dutchman’s desire to give back to the community, with the entire collection donated and all proceeds from sales going to benefit local high school art programs.

“Visual arts education is a vital, often under-funded subject in Idaho schools,” wrote Christy, adding that, “Any art lover will appreciate her work, but this exhibition will appeal to those drawn to color, texture and organic forms. I would especially encourage those who are looking for a new piece for their home or office.”

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