‘Reader Appreciation Show’ at Di Luna’s

Local trio Browne Salmon Truck to play

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Here at the Reader, we’re constantly humbled by the support our community shows us. Whether it’s donating to our Patreon page, dropping off a check at our office, signing up for a virtual subscription or simply shopping with our advertisers, Reader supporters are indeed special people. We couldn’t keep the lights on without you.

Drew Browne, Samantha Carston and Truck Mills are Browne Salmon Truck.

For those who are looking for another way to support the Reader, have we got a fun show in store for you!

The “Reader Appreciation Show” was first proposed by the Roundtable, an informal group of readers, thinkers and community members who meet occasionally at Tango Cafe to solve the problems of the world and share a laugh or two.

The show features Sandpoint trio Browne Salmon Truck, who play a mix of jazz, Latin, swing and blues. Drew Browne is an aficionado on the bass, Samantha Carston’s vocal prowess is legendary and the one and only Truck Mills holds everything together with his smooth blues guitar chops.

The “Reader Appreciation Show” will take place Saturday, May 5, at Di Luna’s Cafe, one of the best listening venues in Sandpoint. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., but dinner reservations can be made starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are just $10, with proceeds benefiting the Reader after paying out the band. Call Di Luna’s at (208) 263-0846 for tickets and reservations.


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... if you appreciate that access to the news, opinion, humor, entertainment and cultural reporting in the Sandpoint Reader is freely available in our print newspaper as well as here on our website, we have a favor to ask. The Reader is locally owned and free of the large corporate, big-money influence that affects so much of the media today. We're supported entirely by our valued advertisers and readers. We're committed to continued free access to our paper and our website here with NO PAYWALL - period. But of course, it does cost money to produce the Reader. If you're a reader who appreciates the value of an independent, local news source, we hope you'll consider a voluntary contribution. You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.

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