Vote for Donna Gow…

Dear Editor,

I am asking for your support and vote in the primary for Donna Gow, Bonner County assessor. For more than 30 years I was honored to serve Bonner County as the elected coroner. During my tenure all of the elected county positions changed many times, so experience is important.

Donna has the experience, 27 years of training, in the assessor’s office. Donna has a working knowledge of the assessor’s office, and it is time for her to assume a larger role in county government. Donna and George have lived in, worked in and raised their two sons in Bonner County. Donna knows what works and what does not. She knows it is a waste of the taxpayer dollar to plow the same barren field again and again. We, as voting taxpayers, do not need to pick up the expense of training a new administrator looking for a job.

Donna has a working relationship with the existing staff and will continue to offer training, create a user friendly atmosphere and avoid staff turnover. You have the opportunity to elect a person with experience who wants to put her training to work for you, the property owners of Bonner County!

Please join me in voting for Donna Gow for Bonner County assessor on May 15.

Dale G. Coffelt 
Former Bonner County Coroner

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