Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness celebrates volunteers

By Reader Staff

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness (FSPW) held their annual volunteer appreciation picnic in Heron, Mont., on Oct. 15. Volunteers from the 2016 season and earlier enjoyed good food, good company and miraculously good weather!

FSPW had 140 unique volunteers this year and wants to thank every one of them. These volunteers put in nearly 2,500 hours of time with projects ranging from trail work days to talking with hikers about proper etiquette when dealing with mountain goats.

Volunteers show off their FSPW volunteer appreciation grilling planks donated by Wildwood Grilling. Courtesy photo.

Volunteers show off their FSPW volunteer appreciation grilling planks donated by Wildwood Grilling. Courtesy photo.

When all was said and done, volunteers helped out on 15 trail work days, six outreach events, five Winter Tracks events, a whitebark pine restoration project, a noxious weeds monitoring project, a goat education trail ambassador program on Scotchman Peak, and multiple hikes and outdoor education sessions.

Pick up FSPW’s latest Peak Experience newsletter to read about one volunteer’s experience learning to build trail this summer. The newsletter can also be found online at

Thank you again to all FSPW volunteers, past and present. The Friends would not be where we are today without your support!

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